Bangladesh Business Centre | Sector Specialization
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Sector Specialization

Garments, Textiles, Leathers and Jutes

Compared to Chinese factories working at 90% efficiency, the average local factory in Bangladesh works at around 35% efficiency. International Organizations like ILO and the Worker Associations (BGMEA, BKMEA and BTMA) have worked together to improve the working and safety conditions in the RMG sectors. To meet with international demands, the RMG sector requires increased efficiency skills development and optimization. Leathers and Jutes sector needs technological advancement and skill development. Some of the services we provide include:

  • Advisory and technical support for a sustainable textiles, garment, leather and jute at policy and strategic level.
  • Support to individual companies toward improved and effective manufacturing practices.
  • Introduction of efficient purchase policies.
  • Providing technical and economical validation.
  • Support to establishing turn-key projects with innovative concepts.
  • Institution building.
  • Feasibility studies.

Agriculture, Food Security

Bangladesh is mainly an agricultural economy. Agriculture contributes to 18% of GDP employing 45% of the population. Rice, wheat, jute and mango are mostly cultivated.Rice is the main staple of the country making it the fourth largest producer in the world. Currently Bangladesh meets its local food demand due to efficient agriculture, but over the last decade climate change, urbanization, population growth and shrinkage of agricultural land threaten this sector. Some of the services we provide in this sector are as follows.

  • Advisory and technical support services to reduce poverty and enhance food and nutrition security
  • Support in developing global and local linkages
  • Manage social awareness programs
  • Create influence on service providing organizations to ensure quality services
  • Provide legal support to establish the basic rights of people
  • Exchange information, training and skill development
  • Capacity building of policy makers, development workers, local people

Engineering Consultancy

Gaps between demand and supply of housing, civil construction, industrial construction and water resources management still remains as major challenge in Bangladesh. Bangladesh needs efficient implementation of infrastructure investments along with necessary institutional changes relating to implementation, regulation and policy formulation.

Bangladesh Business Centre is therefore working on the following sectors in engineering consultancy:

  • Power Development
  • Civil/Structural Engineering
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering

Socio – Economic Sector

Bangladesh Business Centre focuses on multicultural orientation, integration of disabled persons, social cohesion, innovation and creativity, enrichment, awareness, cultural perspectives on education, capacity and knowledge building, well being and health in an economical and sustainable way in all our projects.
Regarding Socio- Economic factors, Ascend focuses on the following:

  • Sustainability and corporate responsibility
  • Social commitments and community services
  • Gender
  • Governance
  • Climate and environment
  • Economic development