Bangladesh Business Centre | Website Management Services
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Website Management Services

You run your business, we manage your site.


A well planned and well executed website can be a powerful business growth tool. With the right strategy, your website can attract and engage with new customers 24/7. The design alone won’t achieve this but once married with SEO, content marketing, social media and PPC the results can be spectacular.


If you believe that your website is a potentially powerful source of revenue for your business, it’s something you rely on, just like your car for example. Now, you probably don’t service your own car, in all likelihood it’s on a service plan where someone else takes responsibility for keeping it running smoothly and fulfilling its duties.


Getting your website managed, by us, just makes sense. Along with all the complicated techy stuff we’ll also advise and help ensure your site’s driving value into your business.

You run your business, we manage your website

  • Are you busy running your business and need your website to just work?
  • Is your website working for you and your customers?
  • Is it optimized for mobile devices?
  • Is it fast and reliable?
  • Is it a true business asset?
  • Would you like direct access to our team of designers, developers and search marketing experts?

Our website management services will make sure the answer to all these questions is YES, giving you the peace of mind to get on with running your business.

We understand you’ve probably tried running an in-house team (ouch! that’s expensive), we get that you’ve hired other web companies and that didn’t deliver and we know you used to have “this bloke” who looked after your web needs until he just disappeared. Perhaps it’s time to hire a professional and reliable team of web experts.


Service We Cover

If you think about the job specification of the person you would need to employ to carry out all that’s involved with running a successful website it would need to cover…..

  • Graphic design
  • Web Programming
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Deep knowledge of web technologies
  • Business Analysis
  • Ability to see trends and react to them
  • Content Creation
  • Online Marketing
  • Social Media Management

Our website management services provide all the required skills in one monthly recurring fee and helps you build your business while we look after your website.

The service is fully proactive and every month we provide full reporting of what we have done and a hit list of activity for the forthcoming month.

A small web team consisting of a designer, coder and search marketing expert represents an overhead of around BDT 500k A YEAR but OUR WEBSITE MANAGEMENT PACKAGES ARE A FRACTION OF THIS.



We’ve always taken a business-focused approach to web design. This means that along with creating websites that are aesthetically stunning, we’re hell-bent on making sure they get found in Google and deliver value to the businesses we build them for.

We’ll challenge your current thinking about the web, show you how our methodology delivers value and create a website that makes a measurable financial contribution to your business.
